Send letters to your representatives!

Some info first!

The Trump administration is rolling back data collection from employers, which requires employers to report pay data by job, catergory, race, and ethnicity. Send a letter to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to demand accountibility from employers, and equal pay in the workplace.

During COVID-19, many childcare centers have shut down, leaving moslty mothers at home to look after children, pulling them away from work responsibilities. Use this link to write a letter to the Trump administration demanding that the Child Care Is Essential Act is passed, so that parents can return to work and child care facilities recieve ample funding to stay open.

The House of Representaties has passed the Paycheck Fairness Act, but the senate has failed to take action. An extension of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, this act would allow coworkers to discuss wages, prohibit salary history in hiring, mandate collection of pay data from employers, and more. Use this link to send a letter to your state senators urging them to pass the act.

My Action Items

Once you have completed an item, click it to check it off your list!

  • Send a letter to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission demanding employer data collection
  • Send a letter to Congress urging them to pass the Child Care Is Essential Act
  • Send a letter to your state senator demanding the Paycheck Fairness Act is passed